SCC team members are meaningfully engaged in the community through collaborations and partnerships with local organizations, leadership roles, and projects and activities with community stakeholders including but not limited to:
Early Childhood Alliance (Niles Township)
Steering Committee Representative for Community Based Childcare Centers
Childcare Center Director's Roundtable
Grantee for SCC's Early Head Start and Head Start classrooms
Oakton Community College Early Childhood Advisory Committee
Evanston Early Childhood Council
EDI (Early Development Instrument) Pilot Community Champion
Engagement in local data collection, advocacy and public policy
Skokie Resilient Community Collaborative
Niles Township District for Special Education
Niles Township Government Early Childhood Scholarship
Niles Township Local Area Network (LAN 41)
Partner. Plan. Act. Community Systems Statewide Development Pilot
Early Childhood Funding Coalition
Governor's Early Childhood Funding Commission
Illinois Directors and Owners of Childcare Centers